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Opening May 20

End of submissions
September 06

Award Event
September 24-26

Early crow discount
35% till Jun 20
% till Jul 22
15% till Aug 20

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We are aware of the increasing importance of the Public Relations sector in the advertising and communication industry and, for that reason, we decided to create a new festival, the Lisbon PR Awards.


This festival aims to award the best works and agencies that works daily in the communication process of a brand.

The Lisbon PR Awards is part of a bigger family. The Lisbon Awards Group also holds the Lisbon International Advertising Festival, the Lisbon International Health Festival and Prémios Lusófonos da Criatividade. We take our mission very seriously: to debate, promote, honor and award the best that is done in creativity. In other words, we’re mad for creativity!!

Submission Process

The submission process to the Lisbon PR Awards is made entirely online, through the festival’s exclusive platform. Our team is available 24/7 to assist you with any questions you may have and accompany through the process.

All the associates of ACC Belgium and The Network One have a 5% discount in all the submitted pieces with the possibility of combining it with the Early Crow Discount!

In order to reach us, please contact: 

Get in touch.


Marta Teixeira

 Phone & Whatsapp:  

+351 912 368 010


Av. da República 101 3A Edifício Luxor


Beatriz Gonçalves

Phone & Whatsapp:  

+351 911 778 760


Av. da República 101 3A Edifício Luxor

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